MommyJ Organic Soy Sauce (220ml)

MommyJ Organic Soy Sauce (220ml)

6 cm (Length) x 5 cm (Width) x 18 cm (Height)

🌹Organic Soy Sauce🌹

Made from only 5 ingredients.Organic Soybean, Organic Wheat Flour, Sea Salt,Organic Sugar Cane and Filter Water with NO ADDED Fructose, Plant-Based Extract, Fruit Based Extract, Alcohol , preservatives ,Corn Syrup, Colouring and many more.


Traditionally fermented using large urns for more than 6 months.It is the SAFE CHOICE in comparison to most common soy sauce in the market. Most of these soy sauce contained a high level of 3-MCPD which found to damage the kidneys, decrease fertility and cause a tumour.


Our Organic Sauce comes with UNIQUE DISPENSE CONTROL feature to ensure children have an adequate sodium level. According Recommended Nutrient Intake of Malaysia 2017, maximum level sodium intake for children above 1-year-old is 1000mg per day. We recommended 3 drops of Mommy J Organic Soy Sauce to be added in every children's' meal which is about 59.6mg of sodium only(5.9% of daily consumption) The CHILDREN FRIENDLY SOY SAUCE not only allow the children to taste delicious meal, but also controlling the intake of sodium and eat comfortably and healthy. Stay safe and healthy with Mommy J.

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